Made By Kinky Hands
Who makes our products?

Whipped Cream
I am fascinated by our skin as our largest organ and the conduit for many of our sensations and experiences and therefore requires special care and attention. Not only do I love growing and harvesting natural product, but also combining these into healthy healing creams and lotions for specific applications.
By combining these fabulous natural products, including virgin olive and coconut oils, beeswax and vitamin E oil, arnica, tea tree and Cannabis extract, all combined with a lot of love and sunshine, a soothing and healing Whipped Cream is formulated to heal and care for those extra sensitive bits.
Applied as a daily treat and also special aftercare treatment, the skin is not only healed, but kept supple to convey whatever sensations might come to it.
Whipped Cream, a sensation in it’s own right.

I am a quirky and nerdy kinkster and a creative at heart. Lover of bodypainting, needles, wax and all things that tickle the senses. I enjoy combining experiences, having some wholesome fun, and understanding the intricate biochemistry of play and intimacy. I enjoy the space of learning and get super excited about creating art or fascilitating the creative expression of others.
My wax:
UV Body dripping Wax candles
80% paraffin wax
10% soy wax
10% coconut oil
Pigments used in the wax are FDA approved.

The Engraved Slave
Keyrings, stickers, condoms.
Accreditation: Our condoms are CE, FDA, ISO & SABS Accredited.